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alp özler, yılnak,
14 Aralık 2021 Salı - 09:07

Murat Göksun, Yılnak Akdeniz Regional Sales Manager, "The Driver's Crisis May Be An Opportunity For Us"

At the International Logitrans Transport Logistics Fair, we are talking with Yılnak Akdeniz Regional Sales Manager Murat Göksun and Yılnak Project and Heavy Transport Service, which has the same subsidiary as Alp Özler Logistics International Transport, and the problems and demands of the sector.

Murat Göksun, Yılnak Akdeniz Regional Sales Manager,  The Driver s Crisis May Be An Opportunity For Us


Referring to new vehicle investments, Göksun states that transporters cannot benefit from fuel support without SCT and draws attention to the issue of support. Göksun emphasizes that the driver crisis can turn into an opportunity for the Turkish logistics industry. Details are here...

“As Yılnak Project and Heavy Transport Service, we have the same subsidiary as Alp Özler Lojistik International Transport. Alp Özler provides services under several main headings: international awning transports abroad, domestic warehouse distribution and domestic and international partial shipments. Yılnak also provides services for the transportation of special loads, that is, out of gauge loads, with special equipment and special vehicles. Yılnak serves not only in land transportation, but also in sea transportation and air cargo project transportation with the power of the forwarder side.”

“We Support Our Growth With Our New Vehicle Investments”

“We have a large car park. In addition to these vehicles, we recently made a new investment of 1 million 200 thousand Euros. Our fleet is growing day by day with our investments in trailers and tractors. We allocate vehicles suitable for the load for our customers, our vehicle fleet is large enough to meet all demands. We believe that the more we strengthen our vehicle and equipment park, the more our acceleration will move upwards with the same strength. With our Istanbul and Mersin branches, we are progressing rapidly in our domestic growth target, but we continue to support this with our new vehicle investments. In this market where we have serious competitors, our priority is always to provide value-added advantages to our customers. Our vehicle and personnel investments, turnkey business and insurance coverage are the most important factors that make us strong.”

“Transporters Still Can't Benefit From SCT-Free Fuel Support”

“Thanks to the financial strength of Alp Özler and Yılnak, we are a company that buys its own property without using bank loans. We support our strength with our financial strength. However, investments are very expensive in Turkey. When we import our private trailers that are not produced in Turkey, we pay both SCT and VAT. Of course, the daily hikes also affect our industry. These hikes are reflected directly to the manufacturer and exporter company. If we only talk about fuel, there is a hike every day, but while fuel support is provided to shipowners and yacht owners without SCT, transporters still cannot receive this support.”

“The Driver Crisis Could Be An Opportunity For Us”

Currently, there is a serious driver crisis in Germany, England and even in the USA. Containers for final transport cannot leave the port. The ports are swollen, there are no storage areas left, the ships cannot dock at the ports. However, our view is that every crisis creates an opportunity. In particular, there are four types of transport in maritime transport: door-to-door, port-to-port, port-to-door and door-to-port. The current crisis is causing a great deal of trouble in port-to-door delivery. However, we had an example recently. When the main line, which took the freight of three containers going to one of the largest health companies in Germany, said that it could not deliver to the door, the shipping company was in great trouble. Here we turned the crisis into an opportunity, and we were able to deliver from the port to the door thanks to our networks. In other words, the driver crisis in Europe can be considered as an opportunity for our industry with the right connections.

Turkic Council Deputy Secretary General Gismat Gozalov, "We, As The Turkish Council, Own The Central Corridor
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