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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
14 Temmuz 2018 Cumartesi - 11:49

Otokar Hits The Roads Of Warsaw

This time, Turkey's leading bus manufacturer Otokar will launch a new era in the public transportation of Warsaw with its DORUK busses. Warsaw Transport Authority (ZTM) has signed a new agreement for transportation services with its Arriva transportation company that chose Otokar's DORUK bus model for public transportation services. As part of the agreement, 34 DORUK medium-size bus that offers a combination of comfort, economy and safety in urban transportation, will begin service in December.

Otokar Hits The Roads Of Warsaw

As a Koç Group company, Otokar continues to conquer Europe with its new generation bus models. Otokar's bus models have been developed according to customer demands for the last 55 years and they have carried millions of passengers in 50 countries. Now, these vehicles will serve in the public transportation of the Polish capital Warsaw. Thanks to its design, comfort, technology and low operating costs, Otokar won the favour of the European users. With its 34 DORUK medium-size busses, it will launch a new era in Warsaw's public transportation.


Warsaw Transport Authority (ZTM) has signed a new agreement for transportation services with Europe's largest passenger transportation company Arriva. To provide transportation service in Warsaw, Arriva chose the DORUK bus model of Turkey's leading bus manufacturer Otokar. As part of the agreement, 34 of the 9-meter DORUK bus that offers a combination of comfort, economy and safety in urban transportation, will begin service on Warsaw streets from December 2018 until the end of 2026.


Special Preparation for Warsaw

The DORUK bus model offers a unique level of comfort to the passengers with its stepless low entrance floor and spacious interior volume. The vehicle is exported abroad under VECTIO tile and it will be specially prepared for Warsaw. DORUK also shines out with its exterior and interior modern look, eco-friendly engine, superior handling as well as its low operating costs. The model's urban version DORUK LE will be equipped with monitoring, ticket payment and announcement systems upon request of Warsaw. In addition to the emergency passenger door opening system, the vehicle's electronic infrastructure will also include information screens. With its modern looks, advanced features, low operating costs, the DORUK LE makes difference in urban transportation and the exterior of the model will be covered with the architectural symbols of Warsaw.

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