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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
14 Temmuz 2018 Cumartesi - 12:00

Elaziğ Receives The Domestic Production Electric Bus Sileo

Bozankaya manufactures Turkey's first domestic 100 percent electric bus and it has won all the 8 electric bus tenders. Accordingly, the company began delivery of its new generation electric bus SILEO's 18-meter, single articulated model to Elazığ Municipality.

Elaziğ Receives The Domestic Production Electric Bus Sileo

Elazığ deliveries of the SILEO, 100% electric bus that has been researched, developed and produced in Turkey, has begun. Bozankaya won Elazığ Municipality's subsidiary EBUAŞ's tender in 2017 and now, it has brought Turkey's first 18-meter single articulated electric bus to the people of Elazığ. The SILEO electric bus has opened the gates to a quieter, more eco-friendly and comfortable transportation. In 2018, a total of 15 units of this model will be delivered to Elazığ Municipality.

As a part of Elazığ Municipality Mayor Mücahit Yanılmaz's "Solution Plans for The Brand City Elazığ", the new generation, eco-friendly electric bus SILEO will help relieve the urban transportation of Elazığ. Murat Bozankaya has stated that they have delivered 6 vehicles to Elazığ at first: "Our electric bus is 18 meters long and has a passenger capacity of 150. It can drive 400 kilometres on a 4-hour charge and consumes 10 kuruş of electricity per kilometre. From now on, people of Elazığ will be able to take advantage of comfortable, quiet and eco-friendly transportation. On this occasion, I would like to express my thanks to Elazığ Municipality and the Mayor Mücahit Yanılmaz for their trust in Bozankaya, Turkey's domestic electric bus manufacturer."

Quiet Star of Modern Cities

Manufactured by Bozankaya, the new generation SILEO busses shine out with their features like eco-friendliness, silence, efficiency and zero emissions. The busses are 100 percent electric powered and there are 10, 12, 18 and 25-meter models available. The New SILEO can cover 400 km with a single charge of 4 hours. It can convert brake energy into electric energy thanks to its regenerative energy feature, dynamically charging the vehicle's batteries. Use of an axle-mounted engine instead of an internal combustion engine provides a spacious and relaxing interior volume while improving the vehicle's passenger capacity from 75 to 232 passengers according to different length models.

Zero Emissions in Urban Transportation

Different materials have been used for the frame of the vehicle without increasing its weight compared to the first-generation vehicle. The new generation SILEO's design also now features much more modern lines. The New SILEO aims to be the new transportation vehicle of modern cities and the entire R&D of the vehicle has been realized by Bozankaya engineers at Bozankaya R&D Centre. Thanks to its low floor that allows quick passenger loading and unloading, the New SILEO will help ensure eco-friendly zones in urban transportation with its zero emission. The new generation SILEO can regenerate up to 75 percent of its brake energy, which significantly improves its driving range. The traction engine acts like a generator and transforms the brake energy into electric energy. It dynamically charges the batteries on the go. While diesel vehicles consume 50 litres per 100 kilometres under general conditions; with all road conditions considered, the New SILEO consumes 0,8 kWh/km on average, which translates to nearly 15 kuruş of consumption. The New SILEO travels without any disturbing engine noises, which helps it blend into the modern urban life.

Otokar Hits The Roads Of Warsaw
Anadolu Isuzu Delivers 80 Vehicles to Bingöl
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