TRACO, which captures Industry 4.0 with the longest automation source and longest twist methods in production, combines ADR standards with high quality aluminum plate at one time with automated welding technology. It offers Tanker and Trailer solutions with ADR produced with aluminum sheets that will pioneer significant innovations in the sector and possess high durability and flexibility. TRACO Trailer, with its unique cylindrical structure and patented design, brings more fuel-carrying benefit to sector stakeholders with its 39,000-liter volume.
TRACO Trailer, which makes a difference in design and lightness with the analysis of domestic engineers, creates safer and more reliable driving comfort thanks to the fact that the center of gravity is closer to the ground. All these differences have been proved by the accredited testing organizations in the field with the necessary tests and measurements.
Küfür, hakaret içeren; dil, din, ırk ayrımı yapan; yasalara aykırı ifade ve beyanda bulunan ve tamamı büyük harflerle yazılan yorumlar yayınlanmayacaktır. Neleri kabul ediyorum: IP adresimin kaydedileceğini, adli makamlarca istenmesi durumunda ip adresimin yetkililerle paylaşılacağını, yazılan yorumların sorumluluğunun tarafıma ait olduğunu, yazımın, yetkililerce, fikrim sorulmaksızın yayından kaldırılabileceğini bu siteye girdiğim andan itibaren kabul etmiş sayılırım. |