Jetblue has developed the World's First Mobile AdBlue Laboratory called "BlueAnalysis" that is used to check the originality of the AdBlue and the company already began working with Scania and Ford Trucks on a demo...
"We're the AdBlue Partner of Aytemiz, Petrol Ofisi and Kadoil"
Emekci has indicated that they began producing AdBlue 9 years ago and said: "We're the first company to produce AdBlue in Turkey. We also have a logistics company called 'Birlik Lojistik'. We continue to offer transportation services with our Birlik Lojistik Company. We've anticipated that the AdBlue market may grow and decided to enter this sector. Currently, we're the leader of the Turkish AdBlue market. As Jetblue, we supply nearly 60 percent of all the AdBlue demand in Turkey. We have 8 production facilities and 2 logistics warehouses. With nearly 2000 dealerships, we're supplying original products to 81 provinces across Turkey. We're also exporting AdBlue to Libya, Morocco, Georgia, Iran and Cyprus. We're the AdBlue partner of 3 major fuel companies; Aytemiz, Petrol Ofisi and Kadoil."
"Vehicle Power Drops By 90 Percent When It Is Out of AdBlue"
Emekci has underlined that the use of AdBlue is mandatory and not optional: "AdBlue is a chemical material that comprise of 67.5% purified water and 32.5% urea. Using the SCR system, AdBlue turns the harmful NOx gasses emitted from the exhaust into the atmosphere, into harmless nitrogen gas and water vapour. The AdBlue system is installed on vehicles during the production phase and it isn't possible to retrofit. So, the use of AdBlue is mandatory, not optional. There is no difference between the vehicle running out of fuel and running out of AdBlue. Likewise, when the vehicle is out of AdBlue, its traction drops by 90 percent and it won't achieve the same level of traction until supplied with AdBlue."
"AdBlue has been used in Europe since 2005. However, it was first installed in Turkey on the Euro 4 vehicles manufactured at Mercedes-Benz's Aksaray factories in 2009. Truck and buses have been manufactured with this system ever since. Currently, there are AdBlue compatible light commercial and passenger vehicles as well."
"Using Original AdBlue Is the Only Way to Avoid Damages"
Emekci has emphasized that non-original AdBlue is produced out of agricultural urea and said: "Agricultural urea contains a chemical called 'aldehyde', which is sourced from coated urea from agricultural urea. That's why coated urea is not suitable for AdBlue production. They have to be manufactured using automotive-grade, non-coated and special urea chemicals. 18 different parameters are considered for the quality control tests of an original AdBlue. From start to finish, production has to be conducted with great care. The use of an AdBlue that doesn't meet these conditions, can cause hundreds of thousands of liras of damages. Using original AdBlue is the only way to avoid these damages. However, drivers can't visually distinguish a fake product from the original one. Original AdBlue can only be verified through tests conducted at an accredited laboratory. Obviously, users have neither the time nor the knowledge to make these tests. In that sense, the BlueAnalysis we've developed at Jetblue, provides incredible convenience for all users."
"BlueAnalysis Is the Only One of Its Kind Around the World"
Emekci has shared details about the world's first mobile AdBlue laboratory BlueAnalysis and said: "BlueAnalysis is a kit that contains the necessary materials to test AdBlue immediately and on site. BlueAnalysis is an invention of Jetblue. We've also received its patent from the Turkish Patent Institute. We applied two months ago to obtain its global patent. BlueAnalysis is the only one of its kind around the world. Thanks to BlueAnalysis, you can distinguish between an original and non-original product in just 5 minutes. You can find out about all the characteristics and measure the amount of urea inside AdBlue, verify whether the water content is ultrasonic purified water, check whether the urea is automotive-grade and if the product is manufactured using the right water and urea." and added:
"Annual Cost of AdBlue Is 2 Thousand TL at Most for Heavy-Duty Vehicles"
"The reason why we've developed this product is that there are too many illegal AdBlue manufacturers in our country and that vehicle owners have suffered so much. Let me explain it through an example; the annual cost of AdBlue is 2 Thousand TL at most for heavy-duty vehicles. When drivers have issues as a result of using non-original AdBlue, they illegally temper with the softwares of their vehicles to cancel their AdBlue systems. The reason behind that is not the cost of AdBlue. They're not trying to make a profit here. They are constantly on the road and by cancelling this system, they are trying to make sure that it won't break down on a highway or a remote location."
"We Must Warn Drivers Who Are About to Purchase Second Hand Vehicles!"
"However, if they use original AdBlue, they wouldn't have to cancel the system and go through so much suffering. When they try to reactivate these systems, it causes a much higher cost. Although it may vary according to brand and model, it can cost at least 20 thousand. We must warn drivers who are about the purchase second hand vehicles! If the previous owner of the vehicle didn't use AdBlue in the vehicle, it completely clogs up the system. They should always check it when purchasing a second-hand vehicle. Like I said, it costs very high to reactivate the system."
"Drivers Who Have Cancelled the System Will Be Fined 2 Thousand 500 TL"
"The new legislation amended at the Parliament in January, contained an article on the use of AdBlue. Accordingly, drivers who have cancelled the system will be fined 2 thousand 500 TL. We're expecting the adoption of this law. There are even more severe sanctions to the cancellation of the system in Europe. We know that there is a fine for nearly 10 thousand Euros."
"Both Sides Are Suffering"
"In case of any breakdowns caused by non-original AdBlue, both sides suffer. Both the vehicle owner and service point could suffer. For example; a vehicle owner or driver brings a vehicle that is under warranty, to a service point to get repairs. The vehicle is actually running on AdBlue; however, the service point claims that the malfunction is caused by the use of non-original AdBlue, refuses the repair and doesn't cover it under warranty. Sometimes, the opposite can happen. A vehicle owner uses non-original AdBlue and goes to a service point for repairs. The service point can't find out that it isn't original and begins repairs even though the vehicle shouldn't be covered under warranty. Thanks to BlueAnalysis, we can completely prevent such circumstances."
"We Continue Our Demo Work with Scania and Ford Trucks"
"Currently, we continue our demo work with Scania and Ford Trucks on the use of BlueAnalysis. Scania's İzmir, Konya and Kayseri service locations began using the BlueAnalysis. We're also still in contact with other companies.
"VDA Inspects Companies on The Use of AdBlue's Franchise Rights"
Emekci has underlined that not all VDA Certificate holder company manufactures original products: "Every 3 years, German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) inspects companies on the use of AdBlue's franchise rights. During the inspection of VDA, companies manufacture proper products and fulfil all the conditions; however, next day they begin producing the old way. So, unfortunately, we can't say that every VDA Certificate holder company produces the right product. This certificate only shows that they've received the franchise right."
"Verification of The Products Is Based On 18 Parameters"
After our interview with Jetblue General Manager Kenan Emekci, we talked with Jetblue R&D and Quality Control Officer Sena Hazinedar has stated that the test and control of the products are conducted according to the ISO 22241 Standard and emphasized that 18 parameters are considered. Hazinedar said:
"We ensure the control and approval of all the products of Jetblue that sells AdBlue to every region across Turkey. Here, we're responsible for controlling the production of AdBlue, from its raw material state to the end product. When we receive the raw materials, we perform all the necessary tests here and approve the materials prior to production. Following the production, we perform all the necessary tests on the end products to approve hem for sales. We base our tests on 18 parameters. There are conducted according to the ISO 22241 Standard. We perform these tests at our laboratory. We approve the product only if the product passes certain specifications and limits at the end of our tests."
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