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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
21 Mart 2019 Perşembe - 09:03

Turkey's First LNG Tractor IVECO Stralis NP 460

The Iveco officials we've consulted as part of our Alternative Fuel Technologies File, have emphasized that Iveco Stralis NP 460 is the first LNG-only powered tractor to be launched in Turkey and underlined that it is unrivalled with its range capacity.

Turkey s First LNG Tractor IVECO Stralis NP 460

The "Low Carbon Truck of the Year 2017" award-winner Iveco Stralis NP 460 brings a fresh look into road transportation.  Set out with the motto; "Perfect Power for Unlimited Sustainability", the Iveco Stralis NP 460 offers Iveco's best fuel economy technologies and services while saving up to 35% in fuel expenses compared to diesel trucks.

With its advanced technologies and experience in natural gas engine production, Iveco continues to contribute to sustainable living with the 35 thousand natural gas engines it has produced so far.

The Iveco officials we've consulted as part of our Alternative Fuel Technologies File, have emphasized that Iveco Stralis NP 460 is the first LNG-only powered tractor to be launched in Turkey and underlined that it is unrivalled with its range capacity.

Here are the details of our special interview about the contributions of the Stralis NP 460 and alternative fuel technologies to vehicles, the environment and the economy...

Iveco officials have indicated that due to the nature of change, humanity should become greener and more efficient: "In this respect, the use of natural gas is rapidly becoming more and more widespread in industry and other areas due to policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions and energy costs in developed countries as well as threats to exhaustion of oil types. In China, 200 thousand trucks that run on LNG fuel, obtain liquefied natural gas from nearly 2 thousand stations to conduct transportation activities. In the US, over 20 LNG fuel stations serve trucks and there are revolutionary studies across the country on especially the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel. The country aims to reach a total of 16 thousand CNG and LNG stations. This change creates a new trend in the commercial vehicle sector thanks to Iveco, which has the widest product range, and other leading companies."

"We've Delivered Our First LNG-Powered Tractor In 2018"

"For the European case, the European Union Blue Corridor Project aims to contribute the environment through increasing the use of natural gas and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the region by creating a CNG station every 150 kilometres and LNG station every 400 kilometres on pre-determined routes. In parallel with the European Union's directives and relevant policies, the number of station infrastructures and vehicles increase with each day. In 1991, Iveco was the first commercial vehicle manufacturer to see the potential of natural gas and thank to its foresight, the company has managed to create a full product line-up of trucks, vans and busses that run on natural gas. Currently, there are over 25 thousand natural gas-powered Iveco vehicles that serve all across the world. In our country, we've taken significant steps with fuel producers to continue the trend we've started through CNG, with a trend of LNG, and thus, we've delivered our first LNG-powered tractor in 2018."

"Iveco Stralis NP 460 Is the First LNG-only (Liquefied Natural Gas) Powered Tractor to Be Launched in Turkey and It Is Unrivalled with Its Range Capacity"

The authorities have stated that Iveco has manufactured 35 thousand natural gas engines to date: "A significant portion of these engines were powered by CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). In terms of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), Iveco has manufactured approximately 1000 engines so far and it is currently one of the most experienced natural gas engine producing commercial vehicle manufacturers. With that experience level, we began the sales of the Iveco Stralis NP 460 in 2018 and brought a fresh look into the commercial vehicle segment of our nation. This was the first time that an LNG-powered tractor began operating on our roads. Iveco Stralis NP 460, the single-fuel truck with double LNG tanks, 460 hp and a range of up to 1,600 km features IVECO’s best fuel efficiency technologies and services to deliver up to 15% less fuel consumption and up to 35% lower fuel expenses than a diesel truck. Iveco Stralis NP 460 is the first LNG-only (Liquefied Natural Gas) powered tractor to be launched in Turkey and it is unrivalled with its range capacity. It also slashes noise pollution, with its extremely quiet operation at less than 71 db."

"Its Double LNG Tanks Ensure Range Autonomy of Up To 1600 Km on A Single Refuel"

"Both CNG and LNG can be used on commercial vehicles according to different missions. LNG is more popular for long haul missions since it offers a longer range. Thanks to two LNG tanks that are 540 litres each, the IVECO Stralis NP's total 1080 litre fuel tank ensures range autonomy of up to 1600 km on a single refuel. Since there is no demand for long range on urban missions, CNG is more popular than LNG."

Reduces Carbon Monoxide Emissions By 90 Percent

The authorities have pointed out that although it is a fossil fuel, natural gas is highly compatible with the nature and said: "The most useful part of using this fuel is that it reduces carbon monoxide emissions by 90 percent compared to petrol or diesel. Since it only produces water vapour as a waste product, it helps keep the environment clean as well as the engine and its components, which results in better long-term usage."

"Alternative fuels are extremely safe and have been tested and approved by independent bodies in accordance with European Union directives and United Nations regulations."

"As Iveco, we have 17 dealerships and 49 service points located at the main transportation hubs across Turkey. All of these service points serve natural gas vehicles as well."

"Member States Are Now Obliged to Establish a Network Of CNG-LNG Fuel Stations"

"In the future, diesel-powered vehicles will be banned from various European capitals. In parallel with the European Union's directives and relevant policies to achieve that goal and popularise these fuel stations, the number of station infrastructures and vehicles increase with each day. Expansion of these fuel stations have been accelerated by the launch of the Clean Fuels trends throughout the European Union as well as the addition of resources like LNG and CNG as well as electric, biofuels and hydrogen as fuels on the "Europe 2020 Strategy".  In the Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Union of 22 October 2014 on the Deployment of Alternative Fuel Supply Infrastructure, Vehicle LNG and Vehicle CNG supply targets to be reached by the end of 2020, 2025 and 2030 have been set out and the member states have been obliged to establish a network of CNG-LNG fuel stations. In our country, the regulation on LNG vehicles and LNG fuel stations has been amended in 2017 and in the footsteps of CNG, it is expected to make progress under the leadership of the private sector. There are no specific transition dates available yet."


Av. Bilun Elmacıoğlu Yazdı
NGVA EUROPE: 1,3 Milyon Olan Doğal Gazlı Araç Sayısı, 2030 Yılında 12,6 Milyona Ulaşacak
 Onay bekleyen yorum yok.

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