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alp özler, yılnak,
30 Aralık 2021 Perşembe - 12:37

"As Ford Trucks, Our Support for The Logistics Sector and the Youth Continues"

Emine Coşkun, Ford Trucks Turkey and International Markets Marketing Manager, shared the details of the program from Ford Trucks, which cooperated by supporting the Logisticians Experts of the Future Certificate Program run jointly by Istanbul University and the International Transporters Association (UND) Young UND Academy, for the readers of My Truck Magazine.

 As Ford Trucks, Our Support for The Logistics Sector and the Youth Continues


Emine Coşkun, Ford Trucks Turkey and International Markets Marketing Manager:


Coşkun states that they believe that the academy they have established will make a significant contribution to the ability of young people to closely follow the latest developments in the sector, to analyze and comprehend where the sector is going, and that their support will continue. Details are here...

Ford Trucks Turkey and International Markets Marketing Manager Emine Coşkun stated that the aim of the 'Young UND Academy' program is to train the logistician leaders of the future with the trainings given by Istanbul University lecturers and experts in the sector within the scope of Ford Trucks' sponsorship. Stating that within the scope of the cooperation, the trainings that young talents in the logistics sector and the new generation logisticians want to receive in order to improve themselves were determined and a training program was created under the name of 'Young UND Academy' with the contributions of Istanbul University, Coşkun said that; "One term in 2021 and 2 terms in 2022. While the courses containing 33 topics are foreseen as two hours, 2 days a week, the knowledge and competencies of the young people will be increased with these personal and vocational trainings.”

“Young People Will Have Information About The Latest Trends and Developments in the Sector”

Coşkun also stated that face-to-face and online trainings, vision-leader meetings, as well as field visits to logistics centers, ports, dry-ports, warehouses and universities; customs visits, are held at the Young UND Academy. By organizing technical trips outside of the country, young people will be informed about the latest trends and developments in the logistics sector.”

“As Ford Trucks, Our Support for the Logistics Sector and The Youth Continues”

Stating that they believe this cooperation and the academy they have implemented will make a significant contribution to the ability of young people to closely follow the latest developments in the sector, to analyze and comprehend where the sector is going, Coşkun said that; “The logistics sector is going through a rapid transformation all over the world with the pandemic and technology. We care about our young people, whom we see as the professionals of the future, to follow this rapid transformation and prepare themselves for this future. As Ford Trucks, we continue to support the logistics sector and the youth in different fields, especially in marketing.”

“We Will Contribute to the Young Generation Representatives of the Firms to be Prepared for the Future”

Emphasizing that our country acts as a bridge between east and west due to its geographical location and has hosted the most important logistics route for centuries, Coşkun stated that today, the Turkish logistics industry, which is developing rapidly with these features, plays an important role worldwide with its increasing export volumes. Stating that our country's industry, sub-industry and supply ecosystem also supports this growth, Coşkun said that; “Today, Turkish logistics companies are in a very important position in the world, especially in road transport. They play a critical role in the realization of billions of dollars of trade volume. We have many deep-rooted and strong logistics companies with international success. We will also contribute to the young generation representatives of these companies, which were founded with self-sacrificing efforts, sacrifices and difficulties, to be ready for the future by learning from past difficulties and experiences. On the other hand, new logistics fleets with thousands of vehicles are added every day. The increasing demand for e-commerce with the pandemic all over the world opens the doors to new business models and opportunities. Taking all these into account, it is aimed to carry our experience to the future even stronger with more competent staff and to seize the opportunities in the new period. On the other hand, new logistics fleets with thousands of vehicles are added every day. The increasing demand for e-commerce with the pandemic all over the world opens the doors to new business models and opportunities. Taking all these into account, it is aimed to carry our experience to the future even stronger with more competent staff and to seize the opportunities in the new period.”

“This Program Will Make an Important Contribution in Preparing the Logistics Sector for the Future”

Stating that there are training programs, seminars and certificate programs about logistics and the future of logistics abroad, Coşkun emphasizes that, however, different stakeholders in the sector come together and they think that this program, which will prepare the sector representative young people for the future, is the first. Noting that the program will make an important contribution to the preparation of the logistics sector for the future, Coşkun continued her words as follows: “Turkey can come to a stronger position, especially in intermodal transportation, which also includes rail and sea transportation. The use of technology in logistics is increasing. Technologies such as vehicles that follow each other autonomously, electric vehicles with zero carbon emissions, fully autonomous driverless vehicles, unmanned warehousing and distribution systems, such as Ford Trucks' Platooning (autonomous convoys) project, come into our lives. The dimensions of competition are changing rapidly. This program will make an important contribution to the preparation of our logistics industry for the future.”

“We Care About Driver Training Projects In The Future”

Speaking about the driver shortage, Coşkun states that the driver shortage continues to be one of the biggest problems of the logistics industry, not only in Turkey but also all over the world. Stating that they also plan to contribute to driver training projects, Coşkun finally said that; “ Especially, be,ng heavy commercial vehicle driver is a very difficult profession. Our drivers spend days and weeks away from their families. In order to increase the comfort of our drivers, manufacturers are constantly improving their vehicles with comfort elements. As Ford Trucks, comfort and safety are at the top of our priorities. Ford Trucks F-MAX, our International Truck of the Year (ITOY) award winning tractor, is one of the most important indicators of this with its cabin width of 2.5 meters and advanced technological features. Some logistics companies in the sector have started driver training programs for drivers whose comfort has been increased, and we see that there are important developments in the employment of female drivers. As Ford Trucks, we are very pleased with these studies, and in this direction, we care about and evaluate driver training projects in the future.

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