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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
30 Kasım 2018 Cuma - 17:59

the main attraction of the ankara logistics summit özgözde otomotiv

With the joint efforts of 45 international transportation companies mostly based in Ankara, Ankara Logistics Summit was organized in 2004 at the Ankara Logistics Center that was found to achieve global competitive advantage and join forces with regards to the demands of the sector.

the main attraction of the ankara logistics summit özgözde otomotiv

The leading companies in the sector have attended the Summit that was held for the first time with the intention of becoming a traditional event. In addition to companies, visitors have also shown a lot of attention to the Summit where IVECO also took its place with its authorized dealership Özgözde Automotive. As one of the leading companies that offers services at the Ankara Logistics Center, IVECO has shined out at the Ankara Logistics Center with its extensive range of products and emphasis on the LNG technology. In our interview with IVECO Özgözde Heavy-Duty Vehicle Sales Manager İbrahim Demirbaş at Ankara Logistics Summit, we've talked about the Turkish economy as well as all the details about the advantages of LNG technology.

"We're Doing Everything We Can to Ensure Customer Satisfaction"

Demirbaş has stated that they've taken their place at the Logistics Center as IVECO Özgözde many years ago with their service, spare part and sales departments. He said: "We serve vehicle groups from light commercial vehicles to heavy-duty segments up to 120 tons. We're doing everything we can to ensure customer satisfaction."

Fuel Economy with LNG

Demirbaş has indicated that they took their place at the summit with their Euro Cargo, Daily, their 510 hp heavy-duty model and the LNG-powered Stralis NP 460 model that is a model from a segment that IVECO has entered for the first time. In his statement about the LNG-powered vehicle he has emphasized the importance of providing economy for the significant cost item fuel: "It has a 13-litre engine. It produces 460 hp and it has been tested to the maximum with two 540-liter fuel tanks which provide a combined total of 1080 litres. It can cover 1600 km. It is different from diesel vehicles in terms of providing a minimum of 10 percent and a maximum of 35 percent of fuel economy."

SHELL-Backed LNG Stations

Demirbaş has stated that in the Turkish market, the vehicle is supported by SHELL-backed stations that are located every 500 km and indicated that the number of stations will increase as the product is more and more recognized and used in the domestic market.

Investments to Continue

Demirbaş has underlined that our nation is going through a rough period but that there are certain measures available against that: "Despite being an import vehicle, it is sold and contracted over Turkish Lira. On the other hand, investments and cash terms can be made even more flexible through forwards.  We think that things will be better in the upcoming days and we continue with our investments."

Term and Down Payment Advantage for The Customers

Demirbaş said that they offer advantages to the customers with issues like terms and financial support: "We were talking about fixing the Euro currency but that is now legally off the table. Now, we began offering TL prices. Effective dates used to be forwarded by 24 months but we've extended that up to 36 months. 30 percent of the payments were down payments; we've decreased that down to 15 percent. At this point, our company even offers room for flexibility."

"According to The Test Results, It Consumes 25 Litres Per 100 Km"

One of the most attractive models among the product line-up is the Diesel-powered XP 510 hp that is equipped with a 13-liter engine. It is a popular vehicle for international transportation. Demirbaş has stated that compared to rival vehicles that produce more or less that much horse power, this model offers 3 percent fuel economy. He said: "According to the test results, it consumes 25 litres per 100 km." and emphasized the importance of fuel economy.

Decreasing Marketshare Of Tractor Trucks

Demirbaş has indicated that the significantly decreasing marketshare of tractor trucks in the logistics sector can be overcome through measures against the next local elections and economic crisis. He said: "We can't say that these solutions would be realized in short time, meaning in 1-2 months. As you know, local elections are coming and due to the latest economic crisis, we can't meet the expectations from the beginning of the year and unfortunately, this applies to not only us but all other brands."

Ankara Logistics Summit Is an Important Advantage

Demirbaş has stated that they consider the Summit's organization at Ankara Logistics Center as a significant advantage and ended by saying: "Generally, it takes a bit of time to reach customers one by one. It is a great opportunity for us to have the collective presence of logistics and domestic transportation companies here. We've joined this platform with that in mind. We can reach our customers faster and individually present our vehicles. Here, we gave the customers a chance to touch the vehicles."

iveco enters domestic market with lng technology
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