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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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9 Haziran 2022 Perşembe - 16:20

Emre İlkbahar, ''IVECO Product Manager, We are The Solution Partner of Our Customers

At the IVECO booth we visited at the Busworld Turkey 2022 Fair; Emre İlkbahar, IVECO Product Manager, conveys the details of e-WAY, Streetway and Crossway for the readers of My Truck Magazine... Expressing that the acceleration in electric vehicles in Turkey has started gradually, İlkbahar points out that IVECO is the company with the highest market share in Europe in electric vehicles.

Emre İlkbahar,  IVECO Product Manager, We are The Solution Partner of Our Customers



İlkbahar started his speech by emphasizing that the Streetway and Crossway at the IVECO stand at Busworld Turkey 2022 were produced in Sakarya and that they are completely domestically produced vehicles, and states that the 100 percent electric zero emission e-WAY is currently produced in France. İlkbahar states that the production of 100 percent electric buses in Turkey will be possible in the future.

“It Traveled 543 Kilometers on a Single Charge”

“Certified by TÜV NORD”

“Test Driven More Than 50 Thousand Kilometers”

Talking about the details of the e-WAY first, İlkbahar draws attention to the fact that the e-WAY is a vehicle designed from scratch to be electric. Adding to his words that the second versions of this vehicle are produced in the factory in France, İlkbahar states that the vehicle has done more than 50 thousand kilometers of test drive and they will continue to give it to the municipalities in Turkey for further testing. İlkbahar said the following about the vehicle: “Our vehicle does not have a conventional drivetrain, an internal combustion engine, a shaft assembly and a rear axle differential ratio. These are parts that increase friction and parts that lose efficiency. Our vehicle has an electric motor, batteries that provide the power, and ZF brand axles, known as e-axle in the market, called smart and electronic axles together with these batteries. With these axles, direct power comes from the engine, there is no transmission and you can move the vehicles at any speed. Thanks to its smart calibration, very long kilometers are made.”

“We Can Offer An Average Range Up To 330-350 Kilometers In Daily Use”

Indicating that they offer different options for both charging and vehicle range in e-WAY, İlkbahar also draws attention to the fact that they are solution partners for their customers. İlkbahar continues his words as follows: “We can offer different options in terms of both the charging and the range of the vehicle, depending on the customer's needs and the route he will use. There are eight different battery packs in our vehicle here, we can increase this number up to 11 or reduce it to six or four. It is necessary to adjust these batteries well, we determine the optimum for this. Our vehicle is 350 kWh, but we can increase its power up to 450 kWh with our new batteries. This vehicle has been tested by TÜV NORD. e-WAY has completed 543 kilometers with 100 percent charge before it runs out of charge, which has been certified by TÜV NORD. This is a serious mileage, but of course, it provides more energy consumption in traffic or on uphill places. In the market, an average of 200-250 kilometers is used, and our vehicles can offer an average range of up to 330-350 kilometers in daily use. Daily use is important in order to use it every day, not once, without ending the battery's life. In general, our competitors say, "This battery has lost its life, it needs to be replaced" when the battery life reaches 75 percent. We keep it safer and position our batteries at 80 percent, which shows how assertive we are in this technology.”

“e-WAY is Quieter than Classic Electric Buses”

“Has 64 Passenger Capacity”

Stating that charging depends on the capacity of the vehicle and the charging station and customer needs, İlkbahar states that the vehicle can be charged in an hour or two with fast charging. İlkbahar said that; “With slow-charge overnight charges, you can charge it in seven or eight hours. This vehicle has a passenger capacity of 64 people. e-WAY is quieter than conventional electric buses. The reason for this is the design of the engine we use. There is a central engine system in the driveline. This makes it much quieter than its competitors. Because there is almost no sound in electric vehicles, but there is a very thin sound; you have a hard time hearing it even in our vehicle. So the noise from the circuits is almost non-existent.”

“e-WAY is One of Our Most Admired Bus Designs”

“It Got Full Marks in Safety and Crash Tests”

Stating that the e-WAY has a brand-specific design, the passengers sitting in it are provided with a spacious journey, and it is desired to benefit more from daylight in its interior design, İlkbahar also emphasizes that it has received full marks in all safety and crash tests thanks to its special design. İlkbahar said that; “So our vehicle has no problems in terms of safety, and the spaciousness inside has been increased. It is also one of our bus designs that is liked the most by our customers, public institutions and related experts.”

“We are the Company with the Highest Market Share in Electric Vehicles in Europe”

Stating that there are options available in different sizes up to 18 meters, İlkbahar underlines that they are the company with the highest market share in Europe in electric vehicles. İlkbahar said that; “For example, we are the leader in France with a 46 percent market share. More than 500 vehicles have been running in Europe since 2019, serving real passengers and institutions at over eight million kilometers. We aim to serve our citizens in Turkey in the next period.”

“There Is A Very Serious Interest In Electric Vehicles From The Sector”

Expressing that the acceleration in electric vehicles in Turkey has started gradually, İlkbahar said that; “As we understand from the institutions and private public bus representatives who come here, there is a very serious interest in electric vehicles from the sector. In addition, we have serious partnerships with electric charging infrastructure institutions both at home and abroad. In the coming days, we will often see our fully electric vehicles, which we call zero emission, and which are completely clean in Turkey.”

“We Chose A Very Powerful Engine For The Tasks Where Streetway Will Be Used”

“FPT Cursor 9 Engine Used”

Stating that the Streetway exhibited at the IVECO BUS booth is CNG powered and also works with biogas, İlkbahar mentions that they can produce the diesel version, which is exactly the same as the vehicle, in Sakarya. Stating that they use the FPT Cursor 9 engine, which is IVECO's own engine, in these vehicles, İlkbahar added that; “We chose a very powerful engine for the tasks where Streetway will be used. We also have many different seat options in this vehicle. According to the customer's needs, we design tailor-made vehicles from scratch, 40 percent specific to the wishes of the customers. In particular, we do interior design from scratch. We have a lot of options such as the air conditioner, the power of the air conditioner, the need for additional heaters according to the region where it will work, the ventilation system, the passenger capacity, the design of the seats. Since we have a modular structure, we can provide these to our customers as if they were designing a vehicle from scratch.”

“Our CNG Vehicles Can Provide Significant Advantages in Total Cost of Ownership”

Emphasizing that they can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 98 percent, especially with biogas, with the CNG used in these vehicles, İlkbahar states that biogas is used seriously in these emission standards in the world and in Europe. İlkbahar said that; “What we call CNG natural gas is natural gas. We offer our customers our vehicles with biogas and CNG. These vehicles are also appreciated by our customers in terms of cost. When our customers use CNG vehicles, they can also gain a significant advantage in the total cost of ownership. There is a difference of almost 30 thousand euros between the first purchase cost of a diesel vehicle with the same specification and a CNG vehicle. However, in the five-year use of the vehicle, you make more than that money. Maybe 8.10 points cheaper, of course, this is the strategy of our customers.”

“We Have Very Serious Services About Mobility, After Sales and Connected Vehicles”

Stating that they have very serious services for customers in terms of mobility, after-sales services and connected vehicles, İlkbahar said: These are within the scope of IVECO ON… With the IVECO ON system, our customers' information is transferred to a system and how often users brake, how aggressively they drive the vehicle, and how often they use the vehicle and the relevant scoring can be reflected on the screens located on the front. There are parts that are prone to wear in these vehicles, there are systems that ensure that the replacement process of these parts and the commissioning of the systems we call smart maintenance are followed by our center in Italy. For example, we have serious and advanced technology services to reach the customer and take the necessary precautions before an emergency. IVECO service network is very developed all over Turkey and in the world.

“We Position Ourselves As A Domestic Manufacturer”

Stating that the advantage of Crossway and Streetway is that they go to the whole world from Turkey, İlkbahar states that especially many customers visit from Asia. İlkbahar continued his words as follows: “When the production site is here, in terms of availability of spare parts or other issues, our hand is a little more relaxed. Because we always keep our customers on the road and not keep them waiting. We position ourselves as a domestic manufacturer, which is the best response we have given to our customers' requests to date.”

“Became the Market Leader in Its Field in Europe”

“With 60 Person Capacity”

Stating that crossway vehicles are used in intercity transportation, İlkbahar states that they see this vehicle as vehicles that can go up to a certain distance both in and out of the city. İlkbahar finally said that; “Our vehicle has become the market leader in Europe in its field. This vehicle we exhibit will go to France to be used as a school vehicle. It was produced here, it is one of the vehicles that will go there as export. This vehicle has a capacity of 60 people. From the airport to the city center, various tourism companies prefer transportation companies such as school buses and company shuttles in touristic destinations. It can be preferred in the municipal public transportation services of certain cities, as it provides a comfortable transportation in the districts and also has a luggage tab under it.”

Karsan Marketing and Export Director Aslı Ör, ''We Act With The Vision of Always Being One Step Ahead In The Future of Mobility''
Bülent Alabaş, Deputy General Manager of İSBAK Sales and Marketing, ISBAK is an Important Technology Supplier in The Transportation Sector
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