Mentioning that İSBAK has works with more than 40 municipalities, Alabaş states that the technologies they have developed are already used in 3,400 of 6,400 vehicles within İETT, and that Private Public Buses have been converted to IETT.
Mentioning that ISBAK has many fields of activity, Alabaş states that they are a company that provides services to other municipalities besides Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Mentioning that ISBAK is also a company that sells its products abroad, Alabaş said that; “We have studies with over 40 municipalities such as Ankara, Kırşehir, Gaziantep, Malatya, Kahramanmaraş and İzmir. Since we mainly operate in the field of transportation abroad, we produce transportation technologies and smart traffic systems products. We sell these products we have produced in Turkey and also export them abroad. We have products working in Iraq, Qatar, Sudan, Libya, Morocco and Romania. İSBAK, an important technology supplier in the transportation sector, has a campus and a production facility on this campus. ISBAK produces the products it has R&D done and the solutions it has designed. It also designs and manufactures domestic products such as traffic signal controllers, vehicle tracking devices, and vehicle PCs. Currently, İSBAK is a large ecosystem with around 1,250 employees.”
Stating that smart transportation systems are technologies developed to reduce traffic density with today's technologies, Alabaş said that; “We offer technological solutions that help drivers reach their destination by providing easier transportation with traffic counts, information systems. We develop information screens, tracking systems, vehicles and intersection control devices, traffic signal lamps that manage intersections, technologies and software that enable vehicles to communicate, as well as developing new products.”
“Master Plans are Necessary to Plan Cities”
Emphasizing that they are an engineering company in planning and projecting and that they need to plan and implement the traffic for this, Alabaş continued as follows: “We need to make some counts and have statistical data for our planning. We make traffic counts of cities using tools related to international traffic planning. We integrate the data we have collected with the central software and apply the traffic planning to the field. In order to plan cities, it is necessary to make master plans such as bicycle paths and transportation plans. Unless we do these, the investment cannot be made. Because first there should be planning, then budgets should be taken and then implementation should be done. We implement these systems end-to-end together with our traffic engineers. Afterwards, we offer solutions to our customers according to the plans and make applications in the field.”
“We Have Been Producing Technology Over Time”
Stating that they were established as a company that maintains traffic signaling works in 1986, Alabaş states that they later started to produce these signaling devices and traffic lights. Indicating that they established an R&D center to make software for these devices, Alabaş said that; "We are currently an on-site R&D centre, we are developing R&D software in traffic technologies with our over 60 R&D engineers. We are a company specialized in transportation technologies. While doing these, we have become a technology producer over time. With the technologies we have produced, we have started to offer solutions that touch the lives of citizens, as well as transportation technologies to cities. In recent years, our company has transformed from an R&D company into a company that provides smart city solutions and produces technologies. Since 2015, we have started to invest in smart city technologies. These integrated solutions actually serve smart city technologies. Here, too, we have many different smart city solutions. For example, we install camera systems inside cities, provide security solutions, build smart poles, and create points that make life easier for citizens. We have vehicle tracking and fleet solutions. While investing in bus technologies, we make environmental products that touch the lives of cities and citizens, such as technological products such as recycling vending machines.”
“Citizens Need Comfortable, Safe and Comfortable Transportation”
Stating that they introduced their products and solutions in bus technologies, since Busworld is an exhibition where bus technologies take place, Alabaş draws attention to the fact that they have made a huge bus digital transformation together with IETT of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. Alabaş, giving examples of digital transformation studies, said: “In order to reduce city traffic, individual vehicle use should be reduced and public transportation should be increased. While increasing public transportation, citizens need to have comfortable, safe and convenient transportation. Here, too, buses are the most important means of public transportation. We place our technological solutions inside the buses to ensure that the transportation is comfortable and safe. Inside the bus, there are camera systems, free wifi service, driver analysis and people counting cameras that understand whether the driver is driving the vehicle properly or not. USB chargers are also available on buses. We can also put disabled chargers in some of our vehicles so that disabled vehicles can be charged during the journey.”
“Conversion of Private Public Buses to IETT Has Been Done”
Continuing to provide details on digital solutions, Alabaş states that they also offer toll collection systems in vehicles and solutions that collect data via CanBus, which generates alarms in the brains of vehicles. Alabaş: “We are currently applying the technologies of applying the information and advertising screens on the bus on the same bus, mostly at IETT, which is affiliated to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. There are 6,400 vehicles within İETT, 3,400 of which are currently using these technologies. Private public buses were converted to İETT. During the transformation, we made 3,000 private public buses compatible with technologies in İETT standards, and our assembly is currently in progress. When we finish the assembly of these systems, İETT will perhaps have the most innovative and technological bus fleet in the world. We look forward to putting these at the service of the citizens of İstanbul.”
“You Can See ISBAK Technology in All Public Transportation Vehicles in Istanbul”
Alabaş also mentioned that they apply similar technological innovations to minibuses, taxis, water taxis and electric vehicles in the islands and said that; "You can see İSBAK technology not only in İETT buses, but also in all public transportation vehicles in Istanbul."
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