ITT Lojistik offers domestic and international transportation of liquid chemicals, dangerous goods and liquids in Europe, Russia, Turkic Republics, Balkans, Middle East and Turkey. The company continues to invest in its fully ADR-certified fleet that is mostly comprised of Renault Trucks tractors. With the addition of 9 units of the retarder-equipped T460 4x2 models, the number of Renault Trucks vehicles in the ITT Lojistik fleet has reached 35.
ITT Lojistik Founding President Tekin Öztanık, ITT Lojistik General Manager Didem Öztanık, Renault Trucks Marketing Director Şebnem Uygurtürk and Koçaslanlar Otomotiv Orhanlı Branch Manager Erdoğan Seymen have attended the delivery of ITT Lojistik's new vehicles at the Renault Trucks Koçaslanlar Orhanlı Branch. In his statement during the delivery, Tekin Öztanık said: "We've been using Renault Trucks tractors since 2012. We are highly pleased with their fuel efficiency. In terms of maintenance and repairs, we've always kept going without losing time thanks to its extensive and equipped service network in both domestic and abroad."
"As ITT Lojistik, We're About to Launch an Innovation in Turkey for the first Time"
Tekin Öztanık has also shared details about their new investment of over 3 million Euros: "In February 2019, we will inaugurate our local certified tank washing centre in Turkey. Our goal is to ensure that our facility is one of the best in Europe. This facility will be the first facility in Turkey to have the ability to wash food and chemical tankers. It will also stand out with its eco-friendly structure. With such major investments, it is important to have powerful business partners like Renault Trucks."
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