Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions Reduced by Another 3 Percent
The 2019 version of the Renault Trucks T and T high cabin will be equipped with the DTI 11 and DTI 13 Euro 6 Step D engines that comply with the new legislation that will take effect as of September 1, 2019. The vehicles also feature a next-gen particulate filter that is manufactured out of new materials for higher durability. Additionally, the seventh injector is removed while an AdBlue quality sensor is implemented.
Renault Trucks T 2019 is developed with a new generation Optivision system. This predictive speed regulator uses the road's topography to optimize the gear shifts and now, it stores the data directly on the vehicle. This improved driver's comfort by ensuring that the connection is maintained even in environments like tunnels where the GPS can't provide data. In addition, the better route information allows drivers to better plan their journeys.
The adjustable Eco Speed Control System is yet another important feature that offers much less fuel consumption with its new settings.
The whole of these innovations and the new equipment ensure an additional 3 percent fuel economy to the customers compared to the previous models.
Improved Cabin and Driver Comfort
New and high-quality trims have been used inside the cabins of the 2019 T series models. In addition to black leather seats and a new grey head lining, the vehicle's instrument panel and doors have carbon trim. On the outside, the vehicle's radiator grill and side mirrors are now customizable with two optional colours: black or anodized orange. The Renault Trucks plate on the driver's side door is made with a more visible text that shows the vehicle's name, power and engine features. In addition, there is also a special empty section where the vehicle users can personalise.
Sales of the Renault Trucks T and T high cabin 2019 tractor truck models have already begun.
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