Allocating 80% of its production capacity to exports, Nursan Trailer exports to 75 countries across 4 continents. Having gained significant experience in the export market over the past 25 years, the brand will increase the number of countries it exports to 100 with new investments.
The brand, having reduced its product variety, focused on investing in two product lines and specializing in these areas. These two products are tankers and silo trailers. The aluminum tanker, chemical tanker, and asphalt tanker, along with their flagship W and V-type aluminum and steel silo trailers, are among the key products in their portfolio.
A Giant Investment Worth 3 Million Euros
"We've Launched Fully Automated Robotic Welding Technology and CNC Laser Cutting Machine"
The brand has commissioned a new 6,500 square meter production facility worth 3 million Euros, and by the beginning of 2025, it will offer its valued customers fully automated robotic welding technology and a CNC laser cutting machine. With expertise in aluminum welding quality, the brand not only leads in Turkey but also holds the best welding technology and experience in Europe. The company continues its production in a total of 40,000 square meters, including 16,500 square meters of covered area. The brand emphasizes that it is far ahead in welding quality compared to Europe's leading trailer brands.
"We Attach Great Importance to Trade Fairs"
They Will Participate in Trade Fairs in Russia, the United Kingdom, Istanbul, and France!
The brand, selective about trade fair participation, continues to promote Turkish products by attending industry fairs held annually in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. Nursan Trailer, the only Turkish participant regularly attending fairs in the UK for the last five years, also highly values the fair to be held in Russia. The brand will showcase with a 400 square meter booth at the Russian fair and will later attend fairs in the United Kingdom, Istanbul, and France.
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