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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
16 Aralık 2021 Perşembe - 16:52

Nottinghamshire Goes Even Greener Following Delivery of BYD ADL Enviro200EV Buses

BYD UK and Alexander Dennis Limited (ADL) jointly announced today that their electric vehicle partnership, the UK’s leading electric bus producer, has delivered four 10.2m length BYD ADL Enviro200EV electric buses to Nottinghamshire County Council, the first two of which have now entered service in Mansfield.

Nottinghamshire Goes Even Greener Following Delivery of BYD ADL Enviro200EV Buses

These are the first BYD ADL electric bus in this 10.2m size specification to be delivered to a customer outside of London.

BYD is a global leader in batteries, energy management and electric mobility, while ADL is a subsidiary of leading independent global bus manufacturer NFI Group Inc. (NFI).

In an official handover taking place on 10 December 2021, the first two of the four zero-emission pure-electric buses now join Nottinghamshire County Council’s expanding fleet of ECOconnect buses operated by Stagecoach East Midlands, as part of the Council’s proactive commitment to climate change. This supports the Council’s objectives to provide cleaner, greener travel for residents in Nottinghamshire to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

It is the second electric bus order from Nottinghamshire County Council, who first successfully introduced two BYD ADL Enviro200EV buses to its fleet in 2018; these being 10.8m in length. Their reliability and efficiency have been the catalyst for this second order for a further four BYD ADL electric buses, which have a total capacity for 77 passengers.

In addition to funding from the Department of Transport’s Ultra-Low Emission Bus Scheme (ULEBS), real estate developer Lindhurst Group has contributed towards the running of two of the new buses, which will operate on the Berry Hill Flyer (240) route in Mansfield. This serves the busy new Berry Hill development, sustainably connecting the new community to a variety of key locations in and around the town centre, using pure-electric, zero-emission public transportation. The remaining two electric buses are expected to enter service elsewhere in Nottinghamshire in the new year.

The electric buses have been built in Scotland as part of the successful partnership between BYD UK and ADL. The collaboration combines BYD’s expertise in pioneering Iron-Phosphate Battery Technology and advanced electric powertrain systems, with ADL’s reputation for build quality, stylish bodywork and passenger-centric interior design.

Nottinghamshire County Council Leader, Councillor Ben Bradley MP, said: “I am delighted that we have been able to add more ultra-low emission buses to serve the people of Mansfield and to help reduce our carbon footprint.”

He added, “I announced a climate emergency pledge at the start of the new administration; this is something I am totally committed to. Zero-emission buses will help drive forward the county’s progress on its net zero ambitions. I want to make greener travel the convenient choice so people can leave their cars at home.

“I’m ambitious to transform bus services across the county and by working in partnership we can access our share of the Government’s £3bn funding. So far we have invested £2.4 million in six electric buses and charging infrastructure all of which produce zero exhaust emissions meaning that residents and passengers will benefit from cleaner air along the routes.”

Mansfield’s Executive Mayor, Andy Abrahams, said: “This is a fantastic early Christmas present for both Mansfield and our environment. Making Mansfield cleaner and greener is a key priority for us and it’s great that the thousands of residents living at Berry Hill can leave their cars at home knowing that their bus journey is creating zero-emissions. This will also benefit pedestrians and cyclists, as well as those living along the route who will all experience cleaner air.”

Matt Cranwell, Stagecoach East Midlands Managing Director, said: “We are delighted to have the opportunity to work alongside Nottinghamshire County Council to help deliver a new eco-friendly bus service to the Mansfield area. The Berry Hill Flyer forms part of our commitment to support targets to reduce emissions and provide a cleaner, healthier environment.”

Frank Thorpe, Managing Director, BYD UK, said: “We are thrilled that Nottinghamshire County Council has once again selected BYD ADL electric buses for its ECOconnect fleet, and we commend all stakeholders on their commitment to green, clean zero-emission travel in the area.  This is the first time that our we have delivered 10.2m eBuses outside of London, and we are confident they are going to be warmly received by the people of Mansfield. Our electric bus partnership with ADL brings together our strengths in our respective fields and enables us to offer a complete pure-electric solution for public transport; one that is safe, reliable and efficient, while providing a comfortable passenger experience.”

ADL Sales Account Manager Lee Salt said: “It is great to see Nottinghamshire County Council’s continued investment in zero emission buses. It is only fitting that a new community like Berry Hill should be served by the latest and most environmentally-friendly British-built buses, which ensure that skilled jobs and apprenticeships are supported at our facilities as well as across our extensive domestic supply chain. We look forward to seeing the next two buses on the road and supporting their operation with our best-in-class aftermarket provision.”


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