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17 Temmuz 2020 Cuma - 10:44

Yalçın Şentürk, TREDER Chairman and Yalçın Dorse Chairman; ''We Continued To Production As We Trust Our Customers

My Truck Magazine’S Editor-in-Chief Nuray Pekcan made a conversation with Yalçın Dorse Chairman and TREDER Chairman Yalçın Şentürk about the pandemic process and the industry via live video conference. The topics include what the effects of corona virus pandemic are on exports, production, post-process evaluations and the industry's expectations from the government. These all are in our news.

Yalçın Şentürk, TREDER Chairman and Yalçın Dorse Chairman;  We Continued To Production As We Trust Our Customers



Indicating that they produced lowbed vehicles according to the wishes of the customers, Yalçın Şentürk said that; “We have been trying to export for 4 years. We export 99.5 percent of the vehicles carrying low construction machinery, which we call Lowbed. We export to more than 60 countries. We work according to the request of our boutique, tailor-made customer. Each of them is different from each other because their style of use is different. People want to make a trailer according to their equipment, and we do exactly what they want. We have production from 2 axles to 10 axles. Since the length of the 60 meter windmill vane propellers is long, it is necessary to transport it by special vehicles. We make trailers to carry wings that can extend up to 60 meters. We also produce 3-4-5 axles or 8 axle vehicles to tow these towers. When a project transportation comes, that is, when the customer says I have a project, I want to move it, we sit and work and produce accordingly.

“Many Firms Producing 4 And 5 Axle Vehicles, Which We Call Grade 4, Have Closed In Europe; We Continued To Work With Full Effort”

Emphasizing that many companies abroad closed their factories during the pandemic process and they continued their work in this process, Şentürk said that; “Many factories abroad closed. Many companies producing 4 and 5 axle vehicles, which we call 4th grade, have closed in Europe; we continued to work with full effort. There was only one restriction, some colleagues worked in shifts. We did short term work for 2 months between at 10.00 am in the morning and 4.30 pm in the evening. Now we are back to normal, but our production continued in the short term. With the strict measures we have taken, there was no problem with our other producers and members of the association regarding health. Everyone took their precaution. Despite having a pandemic, our orders and production increased. Currently all my friends say that the market is better than 2019. Everyone has a job, exports increased, we will succeed.”

“We Continued to Production Because We Trust Our Customers ”

Stating that the production continues in the process, Şentürk continued with the following words: “We continued production, and our other friends continued. However, we had difficulty in delivery for a period of one and a half months. Because the effect of pandemic in Europe was great. People did not pay, they waited because of the effect of the pandemic. Now that everything is back to normal, payments are made. But even so, we continued production because we trust our customers. We already get an advance before, we made the production. We are working hard to avoid delays.

“We Have Been Deprived Of Some Incentives And Supports”

Indicating the reason why production continues without interruption, Şentürk said that there were the orders taken before and he also underlined that they could not benefit from some of the incentives offered by the state. Şentürk said that; “In Europe, not everyone has ready vehicles. They take and send orders in advance. It has 1-2 months production time. That's why our production never stopped. Our only problem is that: we lack support. After Germany, we are the 2nd largest manufacturer of trailers in the world. We have a production capacity of 100 thousand; however, in the last 5 years, we were ranked the 5th or the 6th. We were deprived of some incentives and supports. Of course, our state cannot reach everywhere; however, there is a scrap incentive in commercial vehicles. It doesn't include us to scrap incentives. Actually it should include us! Because we have heavy vehicle class C vehicles. Very old vehicles are running and there is a risk of accidents at any time. We watch on TV that these vehicles exploded or the brake was broken. If they include us to scrap incentives; customers will renew their vehicles. We also want it for ourselves; if the customer gives the old car and replaces it with a new one, then the economy will be revitalized, it will be better in this way.

Our Chance to Compete in This Way is Shrinking Day by Day, Because We Always Solve It with Our Own Means

Referring to his expectations from the state, Şentürk said that; “Of course, in government support, not only scrap incentives, but also 45%, 65% credit and interest incentives are given to commercial vehicles, and we want it. If that doesn't happen, we need a discount on VAT. Because if we are given a discount on VAT while purchasing some of our products, we have a better chance of competing with other countries in exports. Our chance to compete in this way is shrinking day by day because we always solve it with our own means. Of course, when the loan is necessary, the state never lacks, especially in this pandemic period, everyone got the loan. I know it from my own association friends. I did not see anyone who could not get upon request. It is not an exaggeration, the banks even called and asked 'Would you like to use credit?' Some incentives should be provided to us; VAT or scrap incentive. If they give loan customers with low interest rates in these vehicles, like other commercial vehicles, it will be easy for customers to buy trailers, and the economy will revive.

“As TREDER, We Have Exports Of 600 Thousand Dollars, We Want To Increase It”

Stating that the trailer production should be increased and their aim is to become the leader of the trailer industry in the world, Şentürk said: In the second month, we held a meeting with our Minister of Industry, Mustafa Varank. We were going to do something, but when it came to the virus, everything was delayed a bit. Trailer is very important, from medicine to food, to cement, how to transport without trailer. We are capable to do and we are doing all of these vehicles in Turkey. We are not dependent on the outside in the trailer. These products need to be in Turkey. As TREDER, we have export of 600 thousand dollars, we want to increase this. As Turkey, we have to play a world leader in the production of trailers, this is our goal.

“We Are Capable Of Making All Kinds Of Products, But We Need Some Supports Here”

Emphasizing that they expect support from the state, Şentürk said: “We are capable of making all kinds of products; but there is the need for some supports here. Such as machine park support or other incentives and investment incentives. I hope it will be in the short term, we are working with full effort.

“We Predict That 2020 Will Be Much Better Than 2019”

Speaking about the growth forecast for this year, Şentürk said: “We will have growth this year. A decrease of minus 5 percent is foreseen in the whole world, but we will close with increase thanks to our efforts,  determination and capacity. We predict that 2020 will be much better than 2019. We were already very hopeful before the pandemic started, we were doing very well; we took a break with the pandemic, that's all. Turkish people are hard working, our state is number one in health. We want to be number one in production as well as in health.

675 Thousand Liras Donation during Pandemic Period

Stating that they also supported the donation campaign during the pandemic process, Şentürk said: “We made a donation of 675 thousand liras during this pandemic period. We are always with our state with our TREDER members. We will work and produce and the state will also help us.”

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