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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
17 Aralık 2021 Cuma - 14:40

''We Will See Electric Trucks on The Roads as The First of Heavy Commercial Vehicles''

We listen to Ford Trucks Deputy General Manager Serhan Turfan about the evaluations, predictions and planning of the Ford Trucks brand on the subject of electric vehicles, which accelerated in parallel with the development of technology and encouraged by many countries in the direction of green transportation. Stating that we will see electric trucks on the roads as an alternative in the future, Turfan emphasizes that the sector will accelerate with financial support as well as incentives.

 We Will See Electric Trucks on The Roads as The First of Heavy Commercial Vehicles



Stating that the transformation of electric vehicles, primarily in automobiles and light commercials, will accelerate in the coming years, Ford Trucks Deputy General Manager Serhan Turfan emphasizes that the change will accelerate as a result of the emission rules he has put into effect for the heavy commercial sector of Europe in 2025 and 2030. Stating that manufacturers have to comply with these emission values, Turfan said that; “We, as Ford Trucks, closely follow the global trends of both battery technologies, electric and hydrogen fueled vehicles. Our product development teams are studying these technologies. What matters here is how businesses amortize the business in the most efficient way. I can say that electric vehicles are ahead in this regard, so we will see electric trucks on the roads first in heavy commercial vehicles. On the other hand, there are intense studies globally for hydrogen-based alternative fuels. For example, electric vehicles will be preferred for logistics works carried out over short distances of less than 400 kilometers and for urban transportation. We anticipate that fuel cell vehicles will be used on long-distance roads as well. Of course, where the costs will shift in the coming years and the level of affordability of the consumer are also important.”

“As Ford Otosan, We Will Introduce Electric Transits to the Market by 2022”

Continuing his words by stating that hydrogen is the alternative fuel that ensures longer vehicle ranges, Turfan emphasizes that hydrogen fueled vehicles will be at the forefront in long-haul trucks. Adding that hydrogen technology is more expensive, Turfan said that; “There is a need for fuel stations for hydrogen fueled vehicles, and therefore hydrogen stations will need to be established. This requires infrastructure legislation. For this reason, it does not seem easy to establish these infrastructures in the first place in countries. In the first place, we will see electric trucks on the roads. Of course, the incentives to be given here will also have an effect. Currently, there are no different incentives for electric vehicles and different incentives for hydrogen vehicles. However, in the current situation, it seems that the consumer's purchasing tendency will be in favor of electric vehicles. The conversion to alternative fuels started with automobiles and light commercial vehicles. As Ford Otosan, the first vehicles we will offer to the market as of 2022 will be electric Transits.”

“We Are Working With Electrification and Hydrogen Technologies”

Emphasizing that as Ford Trucks, they have signed the European Automobile Manufacturers Association's (ACEA) fossil fuel-free vehicle commitment in 2040 with regard to heavy commercial vehicles, Turfan states that Ford Trucks has also determined a road map suitable for this. Turfan said that; “As Ford Trucks, we have our signature on the fact that all new trucks sold as of 2040 will be fossil fuel-free and zero-emission. We make plans accordingly. Electric vehicles will be available in the market by 2030. We think that it will accelerate more especially between 2030 and 2040. Of course, this infrastructure should also be developing. We also work on electrification and hydrogen, but there are also different technologies. We even introduced F-Vision at the Hannover Fair in 2018. This concept truck is the first prototype with level 4 autonomous driving. A truck with zero carbon emissions electric and connected vehicle technology. It is a vehicle through which we reflect our vision for the future. We are working in line with this vision.”

“First of All, We Have A Road Truck Plan For Urban Transportation”

Stating that the product development teams are working on electric vehicles for the city and hydrogen fueled vehicles for long distances, Turfan said that; “First of all, we have a road truck plan for urban transportation. I think urban services are important. When we visit public institutions, they show great interest in it. Because even though the purchasing costs are high, it is very important for them to reduce the costs as of the period. These vehicles can bring that efficiency.”

“The Restrictions Imposed Without Creating Infrastructure Will Cause Difficulty”

Making evaluations about the restrictions on green transportation in Europe, Turfan states that the restrictions will be made quickly in a way that will affect the European logistics transportation. Stating that there will be notably the restrictions to prevent the entry into the cities, Turfan said that; “Since the priority in logistics is to support international transportation, these decisions will be made by the commission in a way that will benefit all stakeholders and according to the general situation. However, the restrictions imposed without creating infrastructure will cause difficulty. Together with the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), we are building the infrastructure of all these studies. As the Ford Trucks brand, we are included in the European Automobile Manufacturers Association and attend the meetings there. I think the transformation will take place faster in the coming years.”

“A Financial Support Alongside Incentive Will Accelerate The Sector”

Stating that support has started in many countries in European purchases, Turfan stated that the difference between electric and diesel vehicles has decreased to a more attractive level. Pointing out that the incentive system applied in Europe should also be implemented in our country, Turfan said that; “Incentives for this type of alternative fuels will speed up the work. Because the purchasing costs here are quite high. We can see these vehicles on more roads with the decrease in the difference. The first factor is incentives and the second is financing. Especially financing is an important factor in the heavy commercial vehicle sector. Since they are always big companies, they buy these vehicles with financing. In addition to the incentive, a financial support will accelerate the sector. Turkey also follows the legislation in Europe in terms of legislation. In this regard, I think we will follow Europe again, as we have observed in Euro emission levels. It will be beneficial for the sector to follow Europe on alternative fuels.”

Stating that different collaborations continue on charging stations, Turhan said that; “There are collaborations between different brands in Europe as well. Considering that the costs are quite high, the necessity of acting together arises. We also have different scenarios right now.”


We also ask Ford Trucks Deputy General Manager Serhan Turfan, who answered our questions about electric vehicles, our questions about the chip crisis, which remains on the agenda. Turfan emphasizes that the pandemic and unexpectedly changing consumer habits have affected this situation.

“We Have Seen That There Are Cross-Chain Problems In Supply”

Indicating that the East Asian region is a serious supply point for chips, Turfan states that chip production has a very long and arduous process. Turfan stated that many automotive companies are currently doing research on how to get out of this crisis and are looking at alternative manufacturers, and said that; “We think that the impact of the chip crisis will continue in 2022. The fire in Japan, the flood in Germany, the blockage of the Suez Canal, the Covid-19 pandemic, and business shutdowns in many countries all coincided at the same time, leading to supply chain bottlenecks. For example, there is a serious crisis in magnesium, one of the materials that make up the chip. We have seen that there are inter-chain problems in supply. Costs have soared. There is a serious supply problem in all raw materials in the world. Of course, I think that the effect of Covid is too much. The years with Covid 19 are the years when we lost our old production flexibility. Salvation from this will be with the exit from the pandemic.”

The Unexpected Change of Consumer Habits Was Very Effective”

Continuing his words by stating that the production of the parts formed by the chip will increase in the market with the increase in the supply of raw materials, Turfan said that; “Staying at home, the game and entertainment industry increased the demand. There are chips in computers and many of the products we use. The world is experiencing this crisis as production is shifted to these. I think that the unexpected change in consumer habits is very effective. Staying at home has increased demands, some demands have increased by 5 times. That's why sub-industries, which change direction to meet this demand, cause us shortcomings in certain places.”

“As Ford Trucks Brand, We Continued Production With Good Forecasts and Good Planning”

Emphasizing that as Ford Trucks brand, they experienced delays during the pandemic process, but they did not stop production in any way, Turfan said that; “Some manufacturers had to stop their factories for a month or two. As the Ford Trucks brand, we continued production by making good predictions and good planning. Sometimes we make deliveries in the coming months, but we are currently meeting demands. Customers find it reasonable in this environment.”

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