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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
9 Haziran 2022 Perşembe - 17:06


Delivery news...




Samsun Metropolitan Municipality added a total of 45 Mercedes-Benz trucks to its vehicle fleet in order to provide more efficient service at lower costs. 10 Arocs 4145K and 35 Arocs 3342K dump trucks, whose sales transactions were made by Mercedes-Benz dealer Karadeniz Motor, were delivered with a ceremony held on 1 June 2022.

Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Demir, Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Secretary General İlhan Bayram and Mercedes-Benz Turk Truck Marketing and Sales Director Alper Kurt, Mercedes-Benz Turk Truck Public and Bodybuilder Sales Group Manager Bülent Tarhan, Mengerler Ticaret Turk Inc. Samsun Branch Karadeniz Motorlu's General Manager Özkan Demir and Truck Sales Manager Hakan Derse attended.

Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Demir said in his speech at the ceremony that; “Mercedes-Benz Arocs, which has a higher load carrying capacity, low fuel consumption, safety features and low operating costs, will be our biggest supporter during service to our people. I would like to thank all the members of the supplier companies who contributed to the inclusion of these vehicles in our municipality, as well as my colleagues, and wish our vehicles to be used in good times.”

Mercedes-Benz Turk Truck Marketing and Sales Director, Alper Kurt, said that; “The Arocs, which we produce in our Aksaray Truck Factory at international Mercedes-Benz standards, stand out with their features suitable for difficult construction site conditions, low operating costs and long lifetimes. To my team, especially to our Samsun Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mustafa Demir, the relevant vice presidents, unit managers and all municipal management employees who contributed to the realization of this cooperation, to Mercedes-Benz Truck Finansman, our Mercedes-Benz dealer, Mengerler Ticaret Inc. Samsun Branch Karadeniz Black Sea Region. I would like to thank the motor employees and the valuable managers of our Mercedes-Benz approved bodybuilder Özünlü Damper.”

Giresun Adds 2 Mercedes-Benz Travego 16 2+1 to its Travel Fleet

Mercedes-Benz Turk delivered two Mercedes-Benz Travego 16 2+1 units purchased by Giresun Travel. A ceremony was held at the Mercedes-Benz Turk Headquarters Campus for the vehicles that were stated to be sold with the support of Mercedes-Benz Truck Financing Inc.

At the ceremony held, the vehicles were delivered to Giresun Travel company partners Mustafa Toraman and Nurettin Tuzcu by Mercedes-Benz Turk Bus Fleet Sales Coordinator Kadir Sargın and Hassoy Motor Vehicles Bus Sales Manager Cenk Soydan.

Mercedes-Benz Turk Delivered 2 Tourismo 15 RHD to Systemtransport Tourism Transportation

Systemtransport Tourism Transportation, which continues its activities in the field of tourism transportation based in Istanbul, received two Tourismo 15 RHDs from Mercedes-Benz Turk.

A ceremony was held at the Mercedes-Benz Turk Headquarters Campus for the vehicles that were stated to be sold by Mercedes-Benz Turk Dealer Hassoy Motor Vehicles with the support of Mercedes-Benz Truck Financing Inc. At the ceremony, the vehicles were delivered to Systemtransport Tourism Transportation company owner Taşkın Arık by Burak Batumlu, Mercedes-Benz Turk Bus Fleet Sales Group Manager, and Cenk Soydan, Hassoy Motor Vehicles Bus Sales Manager.


Hilal Trans expanded its fleet to 100 units with Ford Trucks F-MAX, which was awarded the "International Truck of the Year (ITOY)". Hilal Trans Chairman of the Board Şerafettin Aras and Ford Trucks Turkey Director Burak Hoşgören were present at the vehicle delivery ceremony held at the Rahmi Koç Museum on May 18, 2022.

 “We Thank Ford Trucks and F-MAX for Their Confidence”

Speaking at the ceremony, Ford Trucks Turkey Director Burak Hoşgören said that; “We are happy to deliver 100 International Truck of the Year Award-winning F-MAXs to Hilal Trans, which has one of the largest distribution networks in Turkey. It is very valuable for us to develop long-term cooperation with our business partners. We trust the F-MAX, which has proven itself in the international arena with its high performance engine and advanced technological equipment. We would like to thank Hilal Trans for their trust in us and Ford Trucks.”

 “We Will Continue to Prefer Ford Trucks for New Projects and Collaborations”

Hilal Trans Chairman of the Board Şerafettin Aras, who was presented with a plaque of appreciation by Ford Trucks management at the delivery ceremony, said that; “Our top priority is to provide uninterrupted support to our customers and enable them to carry out their trade safely. For this reason, we continue to grow our fleet with Ford. We believe that F-MAX, which has won great appreciation from our company and our captains, will make a very important contribution to our logistics operations."


Kamil Koç's Muğla operator, DG Automotive, strengthened its fleet with MAN Lion's Coach, the winner of the "2022-Sustainable Bus Award". As part of its new vehicle investment, DG Automotive added four new MAN Lion's Coach, 13 meters, 2+1 VIP seats to its fleet.

DG Automotive partners Haluk Beyimoğlu and Semih Emre Oskay and Bus Sales Regional Manager Emrah Albustanoğlu on behalf of MAN Truck and Bus Trade Inc. attended the delivery ceremony held at MAN Facilities in Akyurt, Ankara.

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Otokar Exhibited Its Electric Products Family at Busworld
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