Voltage ranges from 48 to 800 V and performance classes from 15 to over 300 kW are possible. Volume production for a range of customer projects worldwide is set to begin in 2021. Schaeffler’s worldwide network of manufacturing plants and special machinery and tool manufacturing facilities will be used to set up and operate the production lines. Schaeffler will be publicly presenting the electric motors – which were developed in-house and are ready for volume production – as complete systems for the first time at the IAA.
Systems expertise in perfection
Since the last remaining technology gap, stator manufacture, was closed by the acquisition of Elmotec Statomat at the end of 2018, the company can now fully cover the industrialization of electric motors. Comprehensive expertise in mechanical components, manufacturing processes, and winding technologies as well as an in-depth understanding of all vehicle systems guarantee short development times and ensure smooth processes in the production of technologically sophisticated electric motors. “Understanding and mastering transmissions, electric motors, and power electronics is an art in itself”, explains Dr. Jochen Schröder, Head of Schaeffler’s E-Mobility business division. “Making a functioning overall system and powertrain out of all these things is another. We are experts in both.”
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