Tırsan Trailer Sales Coordinator Ertuğrul Erkoç:
“Founded in Lexmond, Netherlands in 1912, Van Eck Trailers is a family business with over 100 years of history. Continuing on its way with innovative solutions especially in box products for 110 years, the Van Eck family thought that in 2019, in order for the company to be more sustainable, it could achieve a more successful future with a company like Tırsan that produces the most innovative solutions in Europe. As the Tırsan family, we added the Van Eck family to our structure.
“Tırsan is a World Brand”
“Atatürk has a very important speech about time being nothing but an economic era. Based on this, we, as Tırsan, make all kinds of investments for our country and show great efforts in our sector. Tırsan is the only manufacturer producing the widest product range in Europe. Likewise, we started to produce Van Eck products at our Adapazarı Mega Campus. Van Eck's products, which are exported to the whole world from the Netherlands, will now be exported from Turkey as well. Thus, we will both contribute to the economy of our country and carry our trained workforce even further. Tırsan has become the company of not only the sector but also Turkey. We are a world-renowned brand with our export to more than 55 countries with the widest product range and our proven innovation success in Europe."
“The Load of 3 Trailers Can Be Transported With 2 Twindeck Vehicles”
“Our Twindeck vehicle, which we launched at the International Logitrans Transport Logistics Fair, provides great advantages to customers and logistics companies, especially in chain market transportation and medical equipment transportation. Currently, it has a maximum product carrying capacity of 33 pallets for all kinds of tarpaulin, refrigerated or box products, while our Van Eck Twindeck vehicle increases to a total of 54 pallets, 20 on the lower floors and 34 on the upper floors. We ensure that the cargo to be transported with three trailers is transported with two trailers.”
“Saving Opportunity Starting From 33 Percent…”
“It is a that provides great benefits to the environment in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time, it allows the transporter to save starting from 33 percent in terms of fuel consumption. While loading and unloading solutions in other trailers are done with forklifts and operators, our vehicle offers an option that allows the products to be placed on the aisles without the need for them. This vehicle, which we sell in large numbers in Europe, will soon become a vehicle that we will see on the roads in Turkey."
“Our Customers, In More Than 55 Countries, Are Operating With Tırsan Vehicles”
“We are a company with the widest product range in Europe, exporting to more than 55 countries. Our customers can supply any vehicle that walks on land from us. We continue to grow day by day with our factories in Germany, the Netherlands and Russia. We stand out in Europe by making quick decisions and producing different solutions. In the coming periods, we will go much further and do much more successful work.”
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